Banana Bread with Chocolate Chunks and Walnuts

There were four small overripe bananas sitting in a bowl our living room begging to be mashed and used in some type of cake, and I knew just what to make:
Banana breadBanana bread! Banana bread was actually one of the first things I ever learned to bake by myself so it holds a special place in my heart. The recipe I made yesterday comes from Kirsten’s blog (in Dutch) and it’s quite a bit healthier than the recipe I used to make, which was a nice bonus, and it’s just as delicious. It’s also pretty filling because of the whole grains, fruits, and nuts, so I had two slices this morning and they made a pretty decent (and very tasty) quick breakfast!

10 thoughts on “Banana Bread with Chocolate Chunks and Walnuts

  1. What a cool-looking banana bread! Thank you for introducing me to Kirsten’s lovely blog, too. I don’t speak Dutch at all, and I really wish I did.

    • You’re welcome! I love finding vegan/food blogs in other languages too, even if I can’t really read them very well. I’ve been meaning to look for more of those as I don’t get the chance to practice reading foreign languages that often anymore. If you come across anything in Dutch that you’d like to read, I’d be happy to help! I like using Google translate to get the gist of texts (and to laugh at what it produces) but it’s not very reliable especially with recipes…

    • I really like the chocolate as well! But the walnuts are probably my favourite. I only had a few left this time but I love to sprinkle loads of them on top of the batter.

  2. Would you believe that I’ve never had banana bread? Ever? Unfortunately I’ve only got 2 very ripe bananas… Could make a small one of course! ;) So you eat this for breakfast, just like a muffin?

  3. Yum……What I really love is the bamboo fork! I got all that bamboo stuff for travel and find I never want to eat with anything else! I love the bread part too! Just not doing bread so much right now!

    • Yes, I love wooden cutlery! I love wooden spoons and spatulas for cooking so I was pretty excited when I found these smaller ones. I originally bought a set to use for picnics, but they’re great for other things as well.

  4. Banana bread is awesome. I usually make the lower fat one from Veganomicon, but have loved one with tahini in it too, and this seems amazing!

    • Ooh, I’ve never had banana bread with tahini! I still have to try the on in Veganomicon, too (I made it once but made so many substitutions that it didn’t come out right, so I really need to make it again).

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