VeganMoFo 15: Tagliatelle Alfredo

For today’s MoFo post, I had originally planned to make the English muffins from Vegan Brunch or the Stuten from Mihl’s blog (preferably both). I even woke up extra early so I had enough time to make some bread, only to discover that there wasn’t any yeast left in the house. I figured I could pick up a new package on my way home later today, but when I finally arrived at the supermarket a few hours ago, it turned out they were all out of yeast, too. Such a shame! I guess I’ll have to make these recipes some other day. And I had to think of another topic for this post!

Anyway, when I got home, it turned out my mother was feeling a bit under the weather, and there wasn’t much food in the fridge left to make dinner with. I needed a fast and simple recipe, so I immediately started looking through my cookbooks and quickly decided on the Penne Alfredo from Yellow Rose Recipes by Joanna Vaught. It requires only very basic ingredients and making the sauce takes about as long as it takes to boil the pasta. Perfect!

Tagliatelle Alfredo

Did I mention that it’s delicious, too? I made the recipe even easier by using cashew butter instead of cashew pieces, store-bought Cajun spice mix instead of homemade, and tagliatelle instead of penne (saving myself another trip to the supermarket). On the side, we had a salad, some broccoli, and a chickpea cutlet (all things that happened to be in the fridge).

It felt like a bit of an improvised meal because I threw it all together so quickly, but I guess that’s just the time it takes to make this recipe. I even forgot to measure everything precisely, and it still tasted great! It’s just an awesome recipe. My parents loved it as well. I definitely recommend you to try this dish for yourself!

Now I have to hurry and go catch my bus! I’ll be back soon.

2 thoughts on “VeganMoFo 15: Tagliatelle Alfredo

  1. Pingback: When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big…Bowl of Pasta? Roundup 10/15, Part II « Vegan MoFo Headquarters International

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